Monday, April 30, 2012

My E-Portfolio

My Name is Torri Yeargins and I am an Undergraduate student at the end of my first year of college. I am an Anthropology major at Penn State University Park. This year has so far been very eventful. I have learned so much over these past two semesters.  All together my first year has been filled with lots of new experiences and some old horrors have also been revisited. I had the pleasure of being enrolled in Stat 100 and Poli Sci 003 my first semester. Needless to say that these classes quickly changed my mind about what I wanted to do. I also took Italian Comedy and History, these classes were by far my favorites, that is until second semester came around and I met Nina Jablonski, who taught Evolution of Human Communication. She reaffirmed why I had come into college as and Anthropology major. I loved her class like no other before, includng High school classes. Unfortunately, my semester would not be complete until  took La101h and Ben Henderson tore into my papers for the first time. Until that point I had considered myself a great but undisiplined writer. My teachers had always said that I wrote great papers. It was not until Ben handed me my paper with a grade that was not an A and intructions to go to the writing center for tutoring , that I actually considered that their maybe something for me to learn in the class and that I had better pay attention!
Through the course of my journey through La101H  have had my views turned upside down. Be it about public speackng, or font, he showed me what I thought I knew was mostly wrong. I had not even considered that so much thought went into presenting things to the public. We learned how to take different approaches to get the best receptions by how we present things. This course really opened my eyes and the eportfolio is just a glimpse of everything that we did in it!. I hope you enjoy my work!

Here is the link: Torri's E-Portfolio

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