Everyone has an opinion about the immigration issue. Either we are for allowing illegal immigrant into the country or we are against it. Personally I don’t mind either way. To me, there is no such thing as immigration. Who are we to put up borders on the Earth? I believe that no one can own land and that it should be open to any who want to settle. Humans are nomadic creatures by nature; it is what made us leave Africa in the first place. Just because most of the world is known colonized does not mean that we should stop. Unfortunately not everyone believes the same as me. In fact people go so far as to create ads to pull people over to their point of view, which is that immigration is bad.
The Rhetoric of these ads tends to focus more on evoking pathos then the logos. If we were to focus on the logos of these commercials then we would find that they do not make sense. They are usually filled with false information, or they do not give all the information. They make general statements and apply them to the whole of the population. The sad thing is that people believe this. They hear that someone is coming over and taking their money and jobs and they freak out. They forget that the only people who can claim the land is the Native Americans and everyone else are immigrants!
The problem is not that they are coming over and stealing the jobs that we do not want. The problem is that we are sending the jobs that we need overseas, because it is cheaper. All of these politicians who say that immigration is a huge problem and they are stealing our jobs, they are the primary ones who send the jobs away because it is cheaper. The hypocrisy of our nation is truly astounding.
Your last paragraph struck me the most. I agree that, as we have seen, the media and politicians love to distort reality, and twist information to the consumer body so that we direct our angers in the wrong direction. Someone always benefits in our society from our actions. How easily people can be conveyed astonishes me as well. Look at history: wars were started from leaders convincing their public that someone of a different ethnicity was to blame for their economic hardships. Hopefully one day we will learn from history.